Deer Control
Cervida Family - Muntjac - Fallow Deer
There are six species of deer that live wild in Britain, Chinese Water Deer, Muntjac, Roe, Sika, Fallow and Red, all are increasing in numbers and range. They are attractive animals and are an important part of our wildlife, but they must be managed to prevent serious damage to crops, trees, gardens, reduce traffic accidents and to prevent poor health for the deer if numbers are greater than their habitat can support.
Control measures, if you have a Muntjac that enjoys browsing amongst your flowers, you may succeed in discouraging him with a simple spray repellent. Generally if the problem is on a much bigger scale, tree guards and shelters protect young trees, but spiral guards are ineffective against deer. Mesh fences work well and should last 10-15 years, the height of the fence and mesh size is dependent on deer species. Culling must be carried out safely, legally and humanly. Around 20-25% of the adult population would need to be shot each year to prevent the population expanding. |